Published on October 19, 2003 By MindlessPuppet In WinCustomize Talk
Recently I downloaded the public release of skinstudio (3.00), and I'm curious, is it just me or is this the buggiest version yet. Aside from the new graphics not loading after refreshing and what not, it is almost useless using the attributes editor. It's to the point where I have to do everything through code.
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on Oct 19, 2003
What operating system do you have?
What is the exact build of Skinstudio you are using?
What do you find particularly useleless about the Attributes editor?
If it's the 3.0 then the build is fairly old, I'd rather ask you to switch to the latest beta of SKS 3.9x avaialble for public.

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on Oct 19, 2003

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on Oct 20, 2003
im rooting 4u Mindless Puppet, and hey, u TELL em !
on Oct 20, 2003
Elemental Forces is my alltime favorite, and most used.Hostile Takeover my second.thank u.
on Oct 20, 2003
ei8ht, I am going to hope for the fact that you are just goofing around.
The way I see it is that the man who created the program answered personally about a problem that a user was having with a product. Now that is quality service to begin with but, for a freeware program it is going above and beyond the call of duty.
on Oct 20, 2003
certainly dont see many other developers answering a messageboard post.That speaks highly of Adam
on Oct 20, 2003
Well said IR........Good on you, Adam
on Oct 20, 2003
maybe the clue wasn't a large enough? I mean SKINSTUDIO might have lent a less elusive clue

just kidding...

IR, actually I have and they have all been in the skinning arena. The developers of StarDOCK, HoverDesk, WinSTEP and Aston products have all answered questions at times when I've had them, or have answered them for other's...

c o m m u n i t y

hehe, I like that word

But on a whole, yup, outside of those I posted above, none that I have run across in almost 20 years of computing...
on Oct 20, 2003
The latest version of SkinStudio has very interesting and helpful goodies.
Good work!

Though, with the version 3.9.6 build 790,
it is not possible to define a color in the section
Menus->Menu- Hilighted background (XP Only)
and have it as it was expected, it gives random colors when the skin is applied.
For example I define White and gives me Yellow.

I have spend a lot of time trying to fix this without success.
I hope this problem will be fixed in the next update.
on Oct 20, 2003

Though, with the version 3.9.6 build 790,
it is not possible to define a color in the section
Menus->Menu- Hilighted background (XP Only)
and have it as it was expected, it gives random colors when the skin is applied.
For example I define White and gives me Yellow.

Not having that problem here...... the color changes to whatever I choose.

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on Oct 20, 2003
Though, with the version 3.9.6 build 790,
it is not possible to define a color in the section
Menus->Menu- Hilighted background (XP Only)
and have it as it was expected, it gives random colors when the skin is applied.
For example I define White and gives me Yellow.

From the description it sounds like you have the feral version that I have commited a while ago that created colors WB could not parse. I'd suggest that you try to upgrade to the latest beta. Unless the the server move (We've done recently) have not rolled back the most recent skinstudio betas like it did with IconDeveloper SDC should have the new version for you.
Also we should have a new SKS build on SDC tonight so you may as well want to wait a day.
on Oct 20, 2003
Thanks for the info SkinStudio, I will wait as long as it takes.
on Oct 20, 2003
Try the SDC build now.

on Oct 21, 2003
Adam, this new version has an interesting new feature. Apply skin, causes a reboot. 

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on Oct 21, 2003
Adam, this new version has an interesting new feature. Apply skin, causes a reboot.

Hmm... i have not touched this code recently. Are you sure it's not the skin/WB fault?
Skinstudio does really nothing magical there - set a skin in a registry for WB and ask WB to kindly reload the skin. I'd rather suspect a problem with the skin.

Does the skin apply fine from Display Properties dialog and WB Config?
What OS are you on?
Have you also updated WB together with the last SKS update? If so, then it may be a WB glitch we may want to know about.

[Update] I've tested it and it worked fine here. Could you try applying another skin?

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