I know this doesn't exaclt fit on WinCustomize... but I couldn't think of anywhere else that would be more appropriate.

I for one would like to see StarDock give ObjectMedia some love. I'm not talking about anything complicated or extreme, it's nice having a media player that isn't bloated. What I'd like to see...

- Option to have it show in task bar.
- Smaller tool bar
- Some sorting options, IE sort by title, file name etc.
- When several MP3s are ed and opened it adds them in order they were ed, I feel they should be added by file name as most media players.

I think that's it really... I had a few more, but I forgot em :/

Also it's odd StarDock doesn't push ObjectMedia a bit more, odds are if you don't have ObjectDeskto you've never even heard of it. I know WinAmp pretty much dominates the media player scene, but for those of us who are on laptops or just don't like over-done media players ObjectMedia is great.

on Jul 17, 2004
I second the motion. I use objectmedia in conjunction with desktopX. It is by far the easiest way to make a dx media controller. In fact the dxmedia plugin could do with some love too!
on Jul 17, 2004
I absolutely love ObjectMedia. It is great. It would be my default media player if it wasn't for one little thing.

It freaks out on my all the time.

Seriously. I load a folder or a playlist and it plays a song or two then gives me some wired error and shuts down. Sure I can restart it, but it is really getting annoying.

And 14 days since my email to Stardock about it still no reply.
on Jul 17, 2004
ObjectMedia certainly seems like the bastard child of the object dock family.
[Message Edited]
on Jul 17, 2004
Seriously. I load a folder or a playlist and it plays a song or two then gives me some wired error and shuts down. Sure I can restart it, but it is really getting annoying.

Yeah there seems to be a problem with it playing some kind of MP3s, I guess because of the way they are encoded or something. But it hasn't happened enough for me to make any real correlation.
on Jul 18, 2004
I can make you guys a new build next week. Currently I have a new job which keeps me very busy. Stardock is still a hobby project for me, and due to the new job there weren't many updates. At one point both WB and DX broke OM/DXPlayer, so I virtually gave up.

Great to hear you guys like the player. I don't get many reactions like that.
on Jul 18, 2004

Also, forgot to mention that the HotKey assignment to open the viewer doesn't seem to stick.
on Jul 19, 2004
MadIce-Wow, that is very good of you. Above and beyond the call of duty. Just in case it might help some I am pasting the error I get when Object Media tanks on me.

DMO failure: Unhandled exception during DoAddFilters()